A Comprehensive Guide to Installing and Maintaining EPDM Rubber Flooring


Welcome to our comprehensive guide on installing and maintaining EPDM rubber flooring, the go-to solution for durability and versatility in flooring options. At [Your Company Name], we understand the importance of a reliable and well-maintained flooring system for both residential and commercial spaces. In this guide, we’ll delve into the intricacies of EPDM rubber flooring, providing you with the insights you need for a successful installation and long-term maintenance.

Understanding EPDM Rubber Flooring

EPDM, or Ethylene Propylene Diene Monomer, is a synthetic rubber known for its exceptional resilience and weather-resistant properties. Widely used in roofing and automotive industries, EPDM has found its place as an excellent flooring material due to its durability, slip-resistant surface, and ease of maintenance.

Benefits of EPDM Rubber Flooring

  1. Durability: EPDM rubber flooring is designed to withstand heavy foot traffic and resist wear and tear, making it an ideal choice for high-traffic areas.
  • Versatility: Available in various colours and textures, EPDM rubber flooring allows for creative design options, making it suitable for diverse settings.
  • Easy Installation: The installation process for EPDM rubber flooring is straightforward, providing a hassle-free experience for both professionals and DIY enthusiasts.
  • Safety: The inherent slip-resistant nature of EPDM rubber makes it a safe choice for spaces where accidents due to slips and falls need to be minimized.

Installation Process

Step 1: Surface Preparation

Before installing EPDM rubber flooring, ensure the substrate is clean, dry, and level. Remove any existing flooring materials and repair any imperfections in the subfloor.

Step 2: Adhesive Application

Apply a high-quality adhesive evenly across the substrate using the recommended trowel size. This ensures proper bonding between the subfloor and the EPDM rubber.

Step 3: Unrolling and Cutting

Carefully unroll the EPDM rubber flooring onto the adhesive-covered substrate. Trim excess material using a sharp utility knife for a precise fit.

Step 4: Seaming

For larger spaces, proper seaming is crucial. Use a recommended seam adhesive to join multiple pieces securely, maintaining the integrity of the flooring.

Maintaining Your EPDM Rubber Flooring

Maintaining your EPDM rubber flooring is key to ensuring its longevity and performance.

Regular Cleaning

  1. Sweep or vacuum: Remove dirt and debris regularly to prevent scratches and maintain the appearance of your flooring.
  2. Damp mop: Use a damp mop with a pH-neutral cleaner to clean the surface thoroughly.

Stain Removal

  1. Prompt action: Attend to spills immediately to prevent stains from setting in.
  2. Gentle cleaners: Use mild cleaners to tackle stubborn stains without damaging the rubber surface.

Periodic Inspections

  1. Check seams and edges: Regularly inspect seams and edges to ensure they remain securely bonded.
  2. Address issues promptly: If any damage or wear is detected, address it promptly to prevent further deterioration.


In conclusion, EPDM rubber flooring stands out as a durable, versatile, and low-maintenance option for a wide range of applications. By following our comprehensive guide on installation and maintenance, you’ll ensure your EPDM rubber flooring not only meets but exceeds your expectations.

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